Too much of our work in school is bureaucratic,
and detached from the real work of enhancing learning and continuous improvement for our students, staff and organisations.
Agile Tools for Schools is a highly cost-effective solution to drive team collaboration, minimise wasteful administrative processes and add constant value to the development of you and your school.
Agile Tools for Schools will bring to life your curriculum mapping, instructional planning, school improvement, inspection & accreditation preparation, HR processes and professional learning - all within one integrated platform.
We provide the training for the tools*, the set-up and the support – but the Agile mindset has to come from you!
Contact me to find out more or request a free demo!
*The tools themselves are provided free (or at very low subscription costs)
by third-party providers. In collaboration with
Curriculum Mapping
Collaborative Planning
Full easy-to-use visual whole-school curriculum map.
Easily plan, collaborate and reflect on the design and teaching of curriculum units on an on-going basis.
Seamless daily and long-range planning in the same place.
Plan at the department level, with changes reflected on the whole-school curriculum map.
Completely personalize the structure of units to the requirements of your school/curriculum.
Analyse all curriculum units by any metric that you decide (such as skills, standards, assessment type etc).
Get a full year overview of all units to see what the focus is at any particular time.
Make links across subjects and units easily in order to build trans- and inter-disciplinary projects and learning experiences for students.
Export the whole curriculum in various formats.
Curriculum Mapping & Collaborative Planning
Collaborate on on-going improvement planning.
Multiple users can collaborate in small teams on specific improvement areas.
Track work towards specific improvement targets or analyse progress towards OKRs.
Easy overview of the school improvement process – where are you making progress? What has stalled?
Great evidence of a rich collaborative process. Easy overview of contributions of team members.
Store and annotate documents, photos etc as evidence against specific standards. Edit live documents all in one place.
Receive notifications of updates on any device.
Personalised to specific accreditation and inspection standards and protocols.
School Improvement &
Strategic Planning
School Improvement & Strategic Planning
Human Resources
& Operations
Provide great on-boarding resources in one place.
New employees can interact with colleagues and other new recruits.
Interactive platform for policy development and sharing.
One-stop platform for all handbooks, policies and procedures.
Enhance productivity and response time of Operations teams.
Better visibility of all work-in progress.
Human Resources & Operations
Professional Learning
Shared space for communities of practice to interact (Professional Learning Communities, action research cohorts) in order to discuss and reflect on progress and share resources.
Easy overview of the activity of all communities of practice.
Calendar for professional development activities.
Resource sharing platform.