We are stuck in an old paradigm, with institutional structures that control and define our lived experience, built for a world that no longer exists.
Within education, passionate entrepreneurs and committed citizens are no longer waiting for these broken formal institutions to be reformed. All over the world, they are designing and building their own local responses with relationships at their core. These are the education ecosystems that our young people need and out of which new institutions will emerge.
The Future Learning Design podcast is an inquiry into these fundamental changes and an invitation to you to join the movement to help drive positive change. The podcast now has a new home at Good Impact Labs. Find us at https://www.goodimpactlabs.com/ as well as on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all of your favourite podcast platforms!

About the host:
As Partner at Good Impact Labs, Tim Logan is an education leader, connector and facilitator. Tim moves projects from innovative learning design to effectively executing ideas on the ground, swiftly. Bringing his extensive learnings and insights from a global career in youth work, teaching, school leadership and consultancy, Tim has worked with prominent clients around the world to develop new and innovative approaches to learning, well-being and youth engagement. He has most recently worked with International Baccalaureate, Nordic Bildung & Nora Bateson’s team at International Bateson Institute.